Already when buying the flights to Budapest I felt bad for not being able to attend all trainings of the seminar. I had some school obligations and thus could only dream about the first trainings of Friday night, not to mention the meditation training seminar before.
Anyhow I managed to get so cheap flights I simply could not pass. And being there two times before I knew that this Hungarian seminar was going to be great. There’s no point crying about what one cannot have when one already possesses gold.
Speaking of training the seminar could be summarized in two series of techiques: nanbu sotai kani randori ichi no kata and kinanbutaiso bunkai. The aforementioned gave me some gray hair for some reason. How can it be so difficult to take a few sidesteps? I have to face it: I cannot dance. On the other hand kinanbutaiso bunkai was a challenge just by its sheer length. As we know, kinanbutaiso is the core technique series of nanbudo including all the essential elements of the art.
On a social point of view the trip was very pleasant. I slept all my three nights in Hungary in different places, all being homes of locals, which led into nice amount of social intercourse. Thank you Tibor and Aliz for letting me sleep in your place for the first night. Thank you also Balint and your family. Accommodating such a wild bunch is not a small task regardless the size if the house. We are talking about big heart and splendid team spirit. I hope there was no bitter aftertaste of ungratefulness after the guests had left the house probably all messed up.
And last but not least thank you Virag for accommodating me for the last night and spending the Monday with me in Budapest. The conversations we had are still echoing inside my head.
Kalle Lönnroth, 2 dan