Frozy Training in Helsinki 4th Feb 2012
2011-12-13 | Jukka Paasonen
This Winter there will be no Frozy Camp but instead there will be a "Frozy Training", which is a one day event taking place in Helsinki.
More information coming later...
This is the web site of the Finnish Nanbudo Federation
2011-09-08 | Jukka Paasonen

Nanbudo is promoted and preserved by the Finnish Nanbudo Federation (in Finnish: Suomen Nanbudoliitto).
Within these pages we are trying to offer information about the martial art, training and events in the languages of Finnish and English.
Frowzy Camp 2011
2011-01-29 | Jukka Paasonen

No Winter without the Frowzy Camp.
This year the Frowzy Camp will be organised exceptionally in Helsinki, but as it is a Frowzy Camp, it will not be any warmer than the previous locations elsewhere.
The training schedule is the following: Fri 4th Feb 18:00 - 19:30
Sat 5th Feb 10:00 - 12:00 and 17:00 - 19:00
Sun 6th Feb 10:30 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 15:30
Seminar fee 20 EUR.
The training locations are revealed as soon as the previous training session is finished. The first training session will be held in the Töölö Sports Hall (Töölön Kisahalli).
Be warmly welcomed!
10 Years in Finland - seminar in Autumn 2011
2010-12-08 | Jukka Paasonen

It has soon been ten years from the moment when practising Nanbudo began in Finland.
To honour this journey, there will take place a ten year anniversary seminar in the September 2011. The instructor for this seminar will be the founder of the art, Yoshinao Nanbu doshusoke, 10 dan.
A day of Nanbudo in Helsinki
2010-07-06 | Jukka Paasonen
Once in while, approximately in every second month, there is an intensive day of Nanbudo training. The venue is most often in either of the two capital cities of Finland, Turku or Helsinki.
This week the training will be in Saturday, 10th July 2010, and the venue will be in the surroundings of the Central park and "Kisahalli" in Helsinki.
Frozy Camp 2010
2009-12-25 | Kalle Lönnroth

The traditional winter seminar of the Finnish Nanbudo Federation was in January 2010 in Rymättylä.
There were as many as five participans from Finland and Slovenia altogether. A story about the seminar written by Slovenian visitor can be found from Seminars page.
Finnish Nanbudo National team now in Sports Tracker
2009-09-23 | Jukka Paasonen
The national team of the Finnish Nanbudo Federation now has its own group in the Nokia Sports Tracker.
Training Nanbudo in Turku
2009-06-21 | Jukka Paasonen

Turku Nanbudo Club moves soon to the Summer training schedule. After this Summer the regular trainings are on a break until further notice.
Summer training takes place outside. The first meeting takes place 4th June at 19:00 in front of the Turku Biological Museum (Neitsytpolu 1).
Turku Nanbudo Club in the spring 2009
2008-12-21 | Kalle Lönnroth
Traininf schedule of Turku Nanbudo Club for the spring 2009 is the same as before:
- Tuesdays 20:00-21:30
- Sundays 18:00-19:30
Training takes place in city's budohall at Virusmäentie 65, 3rd floor.
New trainees are most wellcome to join us at the beginning of the season but jumping in later is not impossible either. Contact Kalle Lönnroth with email (kalle.lonnroth[at] or gsm (+358 44 260 1794) or come to see us in the trainings.
The seminar in the Archipelagos 2008 - This time in Utö
2008-05-04 | Jukka Paasonen
The annual summer seminar of the Finnish Nanbudo Federation was held this year in the most southern populated place of Finland, a small island far away called Utö.
Seminars section has been remodelled
2008-01-21 | Jukka Paasonen
The reports of the seminars of which the members of the Finnish Nanbudo Federation participates, has got a new listing model.
The reports are either written by people from abroad visiting the Finnish seminars, or Finnish Nanbudokas after visiting International seminars Worldwide.
Those interested in nanbudo
2007-08-28 | Kalle Lönnroth
In Sunday 9th September at 20:00 we have a brief demonstration. The venue is Budohall of city of Turku in old Barker weaving mill house, street address Virusmäentie 65 (3rd floor, tatami 3).
If you would like to start training nanbudo you are welcome to our group. It is a small one, so specific "beginners class" will not be organized; training times are same for all. The subjects of the training sessions will be selected in a manner that allows everyone to participate regardless the level of the trainer. The group will be divided when necessary.
For a training equipment just some jogging pants and a t-shirt or equivalent outfit will do, training is done barefooted. Later one could purchase white Japanese style training suit (for example karate suit).
Training nanbudo is relatively inexpensive. Training fee for "beginners class" is the same as for advanced, 50 euro for the rest of the year. On top of that one need to pay one-time adjoin fee for the club, 10 euro
For more info contact Kalle Lönnroth, gms 044 260 1794, e-mail kalle.lonnroth(AT)
Autumn 2007 in Turku Nanbudoclub
2007-08-14 | Kalle Lönnroth
Autumn season starts this week (week 33) and next sunday (19th August) we have our first normal schedule training.
Training schedule for autumn is: Tuesdays 20:00 - 21:30 and Sundays 19:30 - 21:00
Introduction to international nanbudo
2007-07-11 | Kalle Lönnroth
Croatian Jana Radic (1.dan) spent two weeks in Turku, from 6th to 18th August 2007. During this time she took over the trainings in Turku Nanbudoclub. Some extra trainings were organized. We saw quite a lot of new stuff and got some clarification to those that were uncertain to us.
Because our club is so small we can be gratefull for this visit with a reason. It is this very international dimension that brings up the versatility of our art and makes the training feel meaningfull. Not those things that we have learned (as if), but those questions that arose...
Local paper (Aamuset) released an article about the event: Aamuset 15/08/2007 - 1 Aamuset 15/08/2007 - 2
A hand from Croatia (year 2006)
2006-06-19 | Kalle Lönnroth
Croatian nanbudoka Jana Radic (1 dan) spent her time in Finland during weeks 23 and 24. The opportunity was not wasted as we arranged some extra trainings.
The occasion turned out most usefull. We got some new perspective to our training and most of all boost to our enthusiasm towards utilizing the international aspect of this art in the future aswell.